De-mystifying the Cloud

By Jefferson Eckles, Senior Network Engineer at DP Solutions

Cloud ComputingYou’ve probably heard a lot about the Cloud recently.  Everything from smartphones to systems made better by the cloud.  But most of us don’t understand what the cloud is.  It can seem intimidating and abstruse. 

What is the Cloud?

The cloud is broad term that describes a number of different technologies and offerings that have some common characteristics.  There are many definitions of cloud computing, but it is generally agreed that cloud offerings have the following attributes:

  • They leverage existing Internet technologies and protocols.
  • They use a model of shared resources to provide robust offerings at a reasonable price.
  • They use a service model, allowing for reoccurring payment model without capital expenditure.
  • They allow for payment models that charge for what is actually used.
  • They are scalable and elastic, allowing for resources to be added and removed as needed.

These attributes tell us how Cloud companies offer service, but it can still be difficult to understand what the Cloud is really all about.

You are probably already using the cloud in some form.  If you have an internet email account or use social media, then you are using the cloud.  Those services take advantage of cloud technologies to deliver content and services to users over the web, smartphones and other devices.

Email in the Cloud: An example.
To help us better understand the cloud, we can look at an example of how the cloud can add value to a business.  Email is a technology that is used by nearly every business.  The cloud can simplify a business’s email offering and reduce overhead.

To set up email for your organization in the traditional manner, you would need to acquire server and storage hardware, make arrangements for appropriate power and cooling, and hire staff to design, implement and support the email infrastructure.  If the needs of your organization change and more employees are added or new functionality (such as an archiving solution) is desired, you would have to upgrade or acquire more hardware and have your staff work to redesign and re-implement the solution, while possibly creating outages for your users in the process.

To set up email in a cloud infrastructure, you simply contact the cloud provider and define your requirements.  Your email is then set up to your specifications in the cloud and ready for use.  No servers to worry about, no cables, no problem.  If your requirements change, the cloud provider can leverage their infrastructure to accommodate the changes without capital expense or downtime.   

Using the cloud

Of course, email is not the only offering to be found in the cloud.  There are many cloud hosted applications.  There are also cloud services that provide virtual workspaces so that remote and mobile workers have the access to the same work environment as in-office users.  There are even cloud infrastructure providers that allow server and other IT infrastructure to reside in their cloud framework.

The bottom line

Not every business function can reside in the cloud, but as cloud technologies continue to mature the options increase.  Every company owes it to themselves to evaluate their IT needs and infrastructure and see if the cloud can add value and reduce costs.

To learn more about Cloud solutions, contact your DP Solutions’ representative at 800.679.4377 or

JEFFERSON ECKLES has been a Senior Network Engineer at DP Solutions since 2011. Amongst other duties, he is responsible for designing and implementing new hosted data center solutions, as well as maintaining and monitoring hosted cloud environments for DP Solutions’ clients. Jefferson holds Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and CompTIA Security+ and has been in the networking industry since 2001.

Why Moving to the Cloud isn’t as Scary (or as Complicated) as You Think

Cloud Computing

By Tom Scheffer, Business Development Manager at DP Solutions

The “cloud”. This buzz word has certainly caused a lot of confusion. What exactly is the “cloud”, and what does it do? You might be surprised to find out that the concept of the “cloud” is really quite simple, and you have already, perhaps unknowingly, been using it for years. Continue reading

Tax Changes for Individuals in the ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Law

New Law ThumbnailAfter months of arguing about the “fiscal cliff,” Congress finally passed a law averting some of the tax increases that were set to take effect on January 1, 2013. President Obama promptly signed the legislation. This article summarizes the most important changes for taxpayers, including provisions affecting estates, Social Security withholding, investments, education expenses and much more.

Click Full Article to read more.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure with VMware View 5

By Rich Carey, Senior Network Engineer at DP Solutions

What is VDI and what are the benefits?:

iStock_000006910539small[1]The concept of a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is to run desktop operating systems and applications from virtual machines located in a data center. Although the end user accesses their desktop environment via a thin client or an actual desktop, all of the data resides within a network operating center (NOC). This is not a new concept. In the early days of computing, all data was accessed via a “dumb terminal” that connected to a mainframe system, which was typically located in a data center or NOC. With VDI, the end user is presented with an environment that is very similar in experience and functionality to the traditional desktop PC. So, you’re probably thinking “Why would I want to implement VDI?”

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Loss of Email Communication Can Shut Down a Business

DP Solutions teaches businesses how to maintain email continuity during an email server outage using McAfee SaaS Email Protection and ContinuityCORB9992

DP Solutions has released a training video demonstrating how businesses can maintain email communications during an email server outage using McAfee SaaS (Security as a Service) Email Protection and Continuity. DP Solutions, a long-time McAfee partner, has teamed with McAfee SaaS (formerly MX Logic) to offer this service.

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Camera Phones: Neat Technology + Liability Risks

Cameraphone thumbBusinesses must be on guard to prevent intellectual property theft and sexual harassment lawsuits. And part of that task is dealing with camera phones. In a matter of seconds, sensitive documents can be photographed and sent to a competitor or inappropriate pictures of employees can be snapped.

Click “Full Article” for some issues to consider to prevent this technology from exposing your company, customers or employees to risk.

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Protect Your Data During the Storm

As Maryland braces for the wrath of Hurricane Sandy, we want to remind  you of a few simple precautionary measures that you can take to help protect your systems and data:

  1. Turn off all desktop and laptop computers
  2. Turn off all monitors
  3. Unplug desktop/laptop computers and monitors from the power source
  4. Unplug the printers from the power source
  5. Shut down your server environment 
  6. Scan your office area for any equipment on the floor and move to higher area
  7. Take laptops home with you

We hope you all stay safe and dry as we weather the storm!

Consumerization Is On Its Way

Tips for Keeping Up on Technology in the Consumer Sector

In the past, business markets were on the forefront of adopting and creating new technologies. After the business market adopted devices such as the calculator, the fax, or the computer, the cost of the technology would go down, making these devices available to consumers, who quickly incorporated them into their lives.

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